5 - 8oz bottles of PHINHEAS MANNA - Monatomic gold ormus

5 - 8oz bottles of PHINHEAS MANNA - Monatomic gold ormus


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Note that this is a lot of 5 8oz bottles.

Phinheas Formula Manna/Ormus - M-11 formula

As you probably know, Phinheas was the alchemist to Moses who came with him with a number of his Egyptian Priests during the exodus from Egypt. It was the formula taught to the tribes of Isreal which when mixed with a blue green algae, sustained the tribes when they had nothing else to eat in their long sojurn in the desert. This is the ultimate ancient formula taught to Moses by his alchemist!
This is truly a must have, potent m-state/alchemy product available. If you've been looking for a product to turn back the clock, give you the new spiritual insights you need and want, help you into the new reality. This is it!

DIRECTIONS: Take this product in the morning to start as it may make you feel too perky to sleep. Be sure to nurture your body with extra vitamins as manna will begin to help your body build and repair very intensively on a cellular level. You may notice a very strong effect at first and it may seem that your Ormus loses potency, but that is not the case. It’s normal to only notice the change in your body so, after a noticeable and sensational effect, the sensation of change can feel “flat.” So stick with your dose and, after a few weeks of consumption of one type of manna, you may need to slowly up your dose, adding another dose later in the day or by consuming a different form of Ormus later.
DOSAGE: Start with a conservative amount, like 5 to 20 drops and slowly increase the amount you take until you notice the effect. You can take your dose in and acidic drink like citrus juice, coffee, or tea to release the m-state by breaking the magnesium it is contained in, or put it a bottle of water and “sucuss” it by hitting it against your hand 50 to 100 time to increase the homeopathic effect of your dose. If you find yourself being very grumpy (perhaps what the ancients called “hermetic”!), back off your dose or stop taking it for a while until you feel normal again. Some of the signs of taking too much are grumpiness, ringing in the ears or distortion, visual distortions, or intense and obsessive thinking.
WARNING: You should not take this product if you are on prescription mood altering drugs. It can release all the body chemistry the drugs inhibit.

***These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.***